Environmental Science, Environmental Biology, Sustainability and Environment & Sustainable Development
EESC BC 3800/3801, EEEB UN 3991/2, EESC UN 3901
- Guided, independent, in-depth research culminating in the senior essay. Weekly seminar to review work in progress and share results through oral and written reports.
- All senior majors are required to write a senior thesis and participate in the Environmental Science Senior Seminar. The senior seminar can be taken in the fall/spring sequence of the senior year, or in the sequence spring (junior year)/fall (senior year). The goal of the first semester is to write a thesis proposal, that of the second to complete the thesis. We strongly encourage students to consider a summer internship between junior and senior semester.
- Prerequisites: Junior & senior majors
- Credits: 3 points
- Hours: Thursdays from 4:10 to 6:00 pm, fall of 2024 (405 Milbank Hall, Barnard Campus)
- On mobile devices this page is best viewed if you turn the screen sideways.
- Credits: Besides the current instructors, Catherine Cook, Stephanie Pfirman, Leslie Raucher, Dallas Abbott, Bill Hahn, Hugh Ducklow, Kim Kastens, Gareth Russell, Don Melnick, Gisela Winckler, Brian Mailloux, Joerg Schaefer, Jeff Shaman, Jenna Lawrence, Meredith Nettles, Spahr Webb, Natalie Boelman, Bill Menke, Suzanne Macey, Jim Simpson, Logan Brenner, Elizabeth Cook, and many others contributed to the material on this web site.