Class this week will meet in 202 (1st & 2nd semester) and deal with the important questions around Environmental Justice . and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-bias/racism. and their relation to research and in particular to your thesis work. We will watch the talk “Global Ecological Change and Plantation Slavery: Addressing the Biophysical and Social Roots of the Anthropocene” with Dr. Suzanne Pierre, Founding Director of the Critical Ecology Lab. The live talk starts at 4pm so please try to come to class as early as possible (we have the room after 3:55pm). This is part of the Emerging Voices in the Geosciences & Society Seminar organized by our very own Logan Brenner. If you want to continue to watch these important lectures you might register for them. After the talk we will break into smaller groups (3 rooms) to discuss any thoughts provoked from the talk and EJ/DEIA connections to our work. To facilitate this discussion please find some guiding questions below.
1) How/why is your senior thesis research important to people – to individuals, to groups, to communities? What are the social implications of your work?
2) How can you influence the way that your research affects people
3) What can researchers do to make research more collaborative and more inclusive?
4) How can we be aware of bias and issues of justice in our own research?
5) Why are questions about justice and inclusion gaining urgency now and is the asking of these questions opening up new opportunities in research?